She awakes like a heretic –
with urgency, with the charge of nature…
This project / WILDLIFE, has been on hold for so very long.It’s been hard on my heart, strong forcefields have kept me from moving forward.
Cue to the chronic, manic question that is the subtext of every new encounter at every opening, dinner party, etc. Blah, blah, blah – What are you doing? – What are you working on?
I reply, toast. Or, I’m semi-retired. Or, I stare at my wrist and remember that David Lynch loves factories.
Perhaps certain completed works have their own reasons for keeping their distance.
Time – timing, our readiness.
Hurry up and wait.
I’ve learned a new empathy for suspension. There can be so much resistance in the process and ego can be predatory. You put down one sword to pick up a new one. Each sword seems to have it’s own impenetrable science.
Back to begin, back to beginner, and then what.
Some things hold out with a knowingness that they must be sung.
I’d like you to meet Jan, the mother.
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